Terms of Use

1. Acceptance of terms of use and amendments

每次您使用或导致访问本网站, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use, 随时修改,无论是否通知您. In addition, 如果您正在使用本网站的特定服务或通过本网站访问, 您将受适用于这些服务的任何规则或准则的约束, 并将通过引用并入本使用条款. 请阅读本网站的隐私政策,该政策通过参考并入本使用条款.

2. The site editor’s service

本网站以及通过本网站向您提供的服务均以“现状”为基础. 您同意网站编辑保留修改或停止提供本网站及其服务的权利, and to remove the data you provide, either temporarily or permanently, at any time, 恕不另行通知,也不对您承担任何责任, 网站编辑将不负责或对时效性负责, removal of information, failure to store information, inaccuracy of information, or improper delivery of information.

3. 您的责任和注册义务

才能使用本网站或网站的某些部分, you may be required to register for a user account on this website; in this case, 您同意在被要求时提供真实的信息, 并且-如果用户帐户资格要求最低年龄-您承诺您至少达到要求的年龄. By registering for a user account, 您明确同意本网站的使用条款, 包括网站编辑在此发布的任何修改.

4. Privacy policy


5. Registration and password

您有责任维护您密码的机密性, 您将对您的用户帐户和/或用户名的所有使用负责, 无论你是否授权. 您同意立即通知网站编辑任何未经授权使用您的用户帐户, user name or password.

6. Your conduct

您同意所有信息或数据的任何形式, whether text, software, code, music or sound, photographs or graphics, video or other materials (“content”), made available publicly or privately, 是否由提供上述内容的人单独负责, 或使用其用户帐户的人的信息. 您同意本网站可能会向您暴露可能令人反感或冒犯的内容. 网站编辑将不会以任何方式对本网站上显示的内容向您负责, nor for any error or omission.


(a) you will not provide any content or conduct yourself in any way that may be construed as: unlawful; illegal; threatening; harmful; abusive; harassing; stalking; tortious; defamatory; libelous; vulgar; obscene; offensive; objectionable; pornographic; designed to interfere with or disrupt the operation of this website or any service provided; infected with a virus or other destructive or deleterious programming routine; giving rise to civil or criminal liability; or in violation of an applicable local, national or international law;

(b) you will not impersonate or misrepresent your association with any person or entity; you will not forge or otherwise seek to conceal or misrepresent the origin of any content provided by you;


(d) you will not provide, 并且您不会使用本网站提供的, 以任何商业方式提供任何内容或服务, 或者任何涉及垃圾邮件的方式, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other form of unauthorized advertising or commerce; you will not use this website to promote or operate any service or content without the site editor’s prior written consent;

(e)您不会提供任何可能导致网站编辑承担民事或刑事责任的内容, 否则就会被认为违反了当地的法律, national or international law, 包括但不限于与版权有关的法律, trademarks, patents, or trade secrets.

7. 提交/提供本网站内容:

(a)您同意授予网站编辑世界性的, royalty-free, perpetual, 非专有权利和许可(包括任何精神权利或其他必要权利).) to use, display, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, distribute, perform, promote, archive, translate, 并创作衍生作品和汇编, in whole or in part. 该许可将适用于任何形式, media, 提供时已经知道的技术或其后发展的技术;

(b)您保证并声明您拥有所有合法, moral, 以及授予网站编辑本第7条规定的许可所必需的其他权利;

(c)您承认并同意网站编辑有权(但无义务), at the site editor’s entire discretion, to refuse to publish, or to remove, 或者阻止访问您提供的任何内容, at any time and for any reason, with or without notice.

8. Third-party services

第三方的商品和服务可能会在本网站或通过本网站进行广告宣传和/或提供. 有关第三方提供的产品和服务的陈述将受这些第三方的政策和陈述的约束. 网站编辑不会以任何方式对您与第三方的任何交易或互动负责.

9. Indemnification

您同意赔偿和保持无害的网站编辑和网站编辑的代表, subsidiaries, affiliates, related parties, officers, directors, employees, agents, independent contractors, advertisers, partners, and co-branders, from any claim or demand, including reasonable legal fees, that may be filed by any third party, 由于您的行为或与本网站或本服务的联系而引起的, your provision of content, your violation of these Terms of use, 或您对他人或一方权利的任何其他侵犯.


您理解并同意,您使用本网站及所提供的任何服务或内容(“服务”)的风险由您自行承担. “按原样”向您提供服务和内容。, 网站编辑明确拒绝任何形式的保证, EITHER IMPLIED OR EXPRESS, 包括但不限于适销性保证, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT.

THE SITE EDITOR MAKES NO WARRANTY, EITHER IMPLIED OR EXPRESS, 服务的任何部分都不会中断, ERROR-FREE, VIRUS-FREE, TIMELY, SECURE, ACCURATE, RELIABLE, OR OF ANY QUALITY, 也不保证任何内容以任何方式下载都是安全的. 您理解并同意,无论是网站编辑还是服务的任何参与者都不提供任何类型的专业建议,通过本网站获得的任何建议或任何其他信息均可由您自行承担风险, 网站编辑将不承担任何责任.

某些司法管辖区可能不允许对默示保证作出免责声明, and certain statements in the above disclaimer may not apply to you as regards implied warranties; the other terms and conditions remain enforceable notwithstanding.


您明确理解并同意,本站编辑不承担任何直接责任, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES; THIS INCLUDES, BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, GOODWILL, USE, 数据或其他无形损失(即使网站编辑已被告知此类损失的可能性), (i)使用服务或无法使用服务, (ii)因通过服务进行的任何交易而获得替代商品和/或服务的成本, (iii)未经授权访问或更改您的数据传输, (iv)任何第三方的声明或任何第三方使用服务的行为, 或(v)与服务有关的任何其他事项.

In some jurisdictions, it is not permitted to limit liability and, therefore, such limitations may not apply to you.

12. Reservation of rights

网站编辑保留网站编辑的所有权利, 包括但不限于任何及所有版权, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, 以及网站编辑对本网站可能拥有的任何其他专有权利, its content, and goods and services that may be provided. The use of the site editor’s rights. 财产要求网站编辑事先书面同意. By making services available to you, 网站编辑没有向您提供任何暗示或明示的许可或权利, 未经网站编辑事先书面同意,您无权将本网站或所提供的服务用于任何商业用途.

13. Notification of copyright infringement

如果您认为您的财产已被以任何可能被视为侵犯版权或侵犯您的知识产权的方式使用, 可通过以下方式联系网站编辑的版权代理:


14. Applicable law

您同意,本使用条款以及因您使用本网站或所提供的产品或服务而产生的任何争议,均受网站编辑所在地适用的当地法律管辖,并根据该法律进行解释, 尽管上述适用法律与您所在地的现行法律存在任何差异. 通过在本网站注册一个用户帐户, 或者通过使用本网站及其提供的服务, 您接受管辖权被授予对网站编辑住所有管辖权的法院, 任何争议都将由上述法院审理.

15. Miscellaneous information

(i)如果本使用条款的任何规定被对双方有管辖权的法院视为与法律相冲突, 上述规定将根据适用法律解释为反映当事人的本意, and the remainder of these Terms of use will remain valid and applicable; (ii) The failure of either party to assert any right under these Terms of use will not be considered to be a waiver of that party’s right, and the said right will remain in full force and effect; (iii) You agree that any claim or cause in respect of this website or its services must be filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause arose, 否则上述索赔或理由将永远被禁止, without regard to any contrary legislation; (iv) The site editor may assign the site editor’s rights and obligations under these Terms of use; in this event, 网站编辑将被免除任何进一步的义务.

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